>La newsletter du SCAR de juin 2022 est parue

Le secrétariat du SCAR annonce la parution de la newsletter de juin 2022.

Introduction from the SCAR Secretariat

Welcome to our June newsletter !

On 21st June, we celebrated the longest day of the year in the SCAR Secretariat in Cambridge, UK, whilst the Southern hemisphere saw the shortest day of the year. For those of you currently overwintering in Antarctica, we hope you enjoyed the Midwinter festivities. The third World Albatross Day also took place in June, with this year’s theme highlighting the many impacts of climate change on albatross populations worldwide.

The 10th SCAR Open Science Conference is just two months away and we are looking forward to a successful conference with you. Registration for the conference is now open and is free to everybody. Head to the Registration Platform if you haven’t done so already to register today. Our conference website is regularly updated to showcase the fantastic range of plenary events, mini-symposia, parallel sessions and workshops planned between 1-10 August 2022.

The UN Oceans Conference is currently taking place in Lisbon, Portugal. SCAR was involved in two side events and joined a call for strengthened action to preserve our poles and the planet. If you are looking for upcoming events, registration is now open for the AntClimNow Workshop held in Cambridge later this year.

Also featured in this newsletter is the new outreach book Antarctic Volcanoes : Explore the Remotest Volcanoes on the Planet, a beautifully presented book by our SCAR Antarctic Volcanism Expert Group (AntVolc). The book is available for free, so please share it with interested colleagues, friends and family members. We are also excited to announce the 2022 INSTANT Fellowship recipients and the release of IBSCO Version 2, the new version of the International Bathymetric Chart of the Southern Ocean.

As always, you’ll find new publications, opportunities, and events from the SCAR community and beyond in this newsletter. If you have something you’d like us to share in the June edition, please let us know !

With best wishes,
The SCAR Secretariat